Tuesday, February 19, 2008

here comes our baby!

Fil and i proudly announce the arrival of our much-awaited bundle of joy: Raclif Wilfred B. Figueroa born on February 15, 2008 at 9:14 a.m...just 3 days before my estimated due date.

Though i was already experiencing stronger-than-the-usual contractions after Fil left for work on Valentines day, it was so sweet of baby to wait until after we had our dinner that night and enjoy a quiet time together as a couple for the last time before he makes his entry into our life. Or maybe he's just wise enough not to come out on hearts' day for fear that we might name him "Valentino!" hahaha...

We rushed to the hospital around 1:00 am when my contractions reached 5-1-1 but after laboring for more than 7 hours and 2 epidural shots, i was stuck at 7 cm dilation, developed a 100+ fever and baby's heart rate shoot up that the doctor decided to do an emergency caesarian.

He was a tiny 5.9 lbs which, coincidentally, was also my exact birth weight...how cool is that?! Petite as he is, he is 101% healthy and passed the battery of newborn tests administered on him with flying colors - no jaundice, nothing!

It's been busy, busy, busy for us since day 1 and while i am so excited and so dying to share with you the details of this wonderful new experience, I just don't have the luxury of time to write about it now - got a million things to do for this cute little angel. That said, i am taking a temporary blog leave. I'll be back as soon as i can...maybe after a month or two, hopefully not longer than that. :-)

To baby Racrac, mama and papa are sooooo happy to finally have you. We love you very much!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

for my palangga on valentines' day...

Every time I close my eyes
I thank the Lord that I've got you
And you've got me too
And every time I think of it
I pinch myself cuz I don't believe it's true
That someone like you loves me too
- Babyface

Happy valentines' day to my one and only palangga! Very soon our baby will come out (i'm already having contractions while writing this post) and i know that when he does, life will never be the same for both of us. But before that happens, let me take this moment to let you know i love you so much and i'm thankful everyday for having you. Mwah!!! :-*

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

sooo ready to pop!

took a photo of me last night at 39 weeks and made this so i can compare how much my tummy has grown.  i'm due in 6 days (feb 18)... will baby come out on time? let's see.

can't wait to meet you baby!

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