Saturday, March 17, 2012

Welcome to my Bright Yellow Kitchen

Finally i have found the time to migrate my food and recipe posts to another website dedicated solely to anything related to food - random kitchen experiments, tried and tested recipes, our favorite family dishes, online recipe finds, restaurant reviews, unforgettable meals, sinful desserts, food presentation, filipino cuisine and more.  I don't claim to be an expert in cooking or baking but my newly-found enthusiasm to improve my skills in this department is too big to ignore.  As they say, "never too late (or too old) to learn a new skill."

Through the years i have kept recipes from old magazines and handwritten food-stained, torn and faded notes of my go-to recipes.  Sometimes when I crave for mama's home cooking I make an overseas call so she could give me step-by-step instructions.  More often than not, I stumbled upon a great recipe online and when it's time to make it again, I couldn't recall where i found it.  Very frustrating!

But no more fretting now because all these will be in my food blog.  I'm doing it for my personal easy access and also to share with my family, friends and random readers.  If you don't find me here or in facebook, then you know where i am: in my My Bright Yellow Kitchen.

Let's share the food and the love.  See you there!

Friday, March 2, 2012

American Idol (here we go again...)

I couldn't count how many times i've promised myself never to watch this show again!  Throughout its entire history, this show has given me nothing but heartaches..from Bo Bice to Adam Lambert to last year's Thia Megia (although i didn't really expect her to win anyway).  It's just very frustrating when you have emotionally invested on a contestant, watched him/her perform every week only to be eliminated not because of  poor performance but mainly because of popular votes.  Fortunately for me i never reached the point of really voting for my favorite...just couldn't imagine seeing my hard-earned money fritter away.

So anyway last night while surfing channels i ended up watching (you guessed it!) American Idol.  Last night's show revealed the top 10 and the 3 wild card contestants selected by the judges to make up the top 13.  Before watching it the only thing i knew was that there is a Filipino-American contestant who can sing really well and a guy who's a native of San Jose, CA.  Now i know their names:  Jessica Sanchez and DeAndre Brackensick.

Jessica made it to the top 10 without much drama.  She was the first of the girls to be called along with that cute girl Hollie.  She's 16 years old from San Diego, CA.  I think she looks like the younger and darker version of Sarah Geronimo, an extremely talented and very popular singer/actress in the Philippines.

DeAndre, a 17-year old Oak Grove High School senior in San Jose however, wasn't in the top 10 but was given another chance to fight for his life and made it to the last spot. 

Hmmm... will they both make it all the way to the finals? Let's see.  And yes, American Idol, you got me hooked again!

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