Monday, August 31, 2009

Sundial Bridge, Burney Falls

Happy to be back from a weekend camping/hiking/fishing/partying with family and friends at the McArthur-Burney Falls State Park in Burney, CA last August 21-23. We left our house at 9:30 in the morning Friday and arrived 4 hours later in Redding and stopped by the Sundial Bridge. Built in 2004, it is a pedestrian bridge that crosses the Sacramento River and connects the northern and southern campuses of the Turtle Bay Exploration Park. Sadly, it was scorching hot (1oo+ deg) when we got there and despite my do-anything-for-a-picture travel attitude, we only made it halfway through the bridge. We could have walked to the other side of the 700-ft bridge and back on any given fair-weather day but not that day when the sun was burning our skin.

From there, we hooked up with friends along the way enroute to Burney which was about an hour of what felt like driving in the middle of nowhere until we reached town proper. As soon as we entered the park, we were welcomed by the thunderous yet soothing sound of the falls that it was hard for me to resist not seeing it right away. We spent the rest of the day setting up camp, preparing dinner and just hanging out with friends.

The Falls
After breakfast the next day, we headed off to Burney Falls which is a short walk from our campsite accessible from the parking lot. We first went to the falls overlook (just a few steps from the entrance) which was nice because we could see the water flowing from the upper stream to the lower stream. Then we proceeded to the base of the falls by walking along the .3 mile paved trail. At first we brought Racrac's radioflyer wagon which turned out to be a bad idea 'coz we had to deal with a couple flights of steps. Fil had to return the wagon to our campsite and i went on with the group with Racrac in tow. It was easy since he agreed to walk. If you have a baby or a child who doesn't walk yet, you can use a baby carrier (front carrier or backpack type) to secure your child. But even without it, the trail is so easy you'll survive.

Burney Falls is such a beauty no matter from which angle you view it. Gorgeous, indeed! Unfortunately, water is not swimmable since the average temperature is 40degF even during hot summer days.

Here's a video of me and Racrac getting closer to the falls.

We reunited with Fil at the base and took lots of pictures then we followed the trail that circles the falls and brought us to the upstream (top of the falls), the site for fishing. The hike wasn't easy this time. After we crossed the downstream bridge, the trail went up and rugged. Poor Fil had to carry Racrac all the way through the climb. We found a spot just under the upstream bridge for fishing and stayed there idly just watching our friends guiding their poles.

Lake Britton
While the falls is the centerpiece of the park, most of the fun really happens at nearby Lake Britton which is ideal for fishing, boat launching, swimming and water sports. After our friends returned from fishing without any single catch, we drove the short distance to Lake Britton where Racrac and the other kids had fun playing in the water and building sandcastles while our friends continued their search for the very elusive fish. It didn't take long and they luckily caught one! Congrats Jerry and Gladz! :)

Good food, great company
...are two things that make a happy camper. Our last night together was again a feast and we brought so much food that we were still not done grilling come 10pm curfew. The following morning we hosted ala-IHOP breakfast for everybody at our place. One thing i love about camping other than being outdoors is the sight of Fil cooking breakfast when i wake up.

By 12nn we have all packed our stuff and ready to leave but not without again seeing the falls. All of us descended to the base of the falls to once again admire its beauty and for a group picture. Like i would always do, i took a mental picture to remind me of a beautiful sight on a beautiful day in the company of beautiful people.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

august rush

the month is almost over and i haven't blogged about anything yet. just too tired to write at the end of each and every day spent with Racrac who, at 18 months, has stepped up his daily exploratory activities to the next level. his curiosity and mobility are driving me nuts! he has by now figured out how things work: faucet, light switch, lamp, door knobs, door keys, camera, electric fan (!), his toys and all its buttons, toilet bowl, cabinets, TV, my laptop, electric plugs!

on the brighter side, he loves helping me unload the dishwasher. every morning he would cheerfully take out the clean dishes and hand them to me so i could put them where they should be. nice... at least that saves me from having to bend. and also he takes Fil's socks when he gets home from work and throws them to the hamper. such a sweetie... :)

i've also been driving him around the city. it was fun for me at first but not after we made a run at the grocery store and he prevailed over me to sit inside the cart (not in the child seat with the safety belts) so he could play with the items and unload them himself upon checkout. ang gulo....haaaayyy! maybe i should just bring him to the park.

no time to rest on weekends too. we were in Fairfield first weekend to visit some relatives where Racrac had a great time playing with cousins Inah and John in the oversized inflatable water slide and dancing around with the other kids who visited. we also had a quick tour of Travis Air Force Base but was too hot to step outside the van for a picture. next time...

the following week we went to a summer get-together party hosted by the Platzbecker's at the San Ramon Olympic Pool and Aquatic Center, about an hour drive from our place. Racrac loved the waterpark even if he was a bit scared of the showers. it was hot that day (in the 90s), perfect for a delightfully refreshing outdoor activity. the party continued at the hosts' residence, there was just no stopping us until we're all stuffed and sleepy hehehe...

3rd Sunday of the month we were in San Francisco to visit Auntie Norma and Bella (aka the lolas) who also invited Fil's cousin Dory and her family whom we haven't seen since Racrac's christening. Four days later we went back to drop off the lolas at the airport for their vacation to the Philippines.

And lastly, the one thing i was really excited about was our 3-day camping at the McArthur-Burney Falls State Park with friends last August 21-23. i'll blog about it in a separate post.

so there, it's been a busy month for us. summer will soon be over and we're working to make the best of the beautiful sunny days that's left. let's all enjoy it while it lasts...

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