Welcome to my Bright Yellow Kitchen
Finally i have found the time to migrate my food and recipe posts to another website dedicated solely to anything related to food - random kitchen experiments, tried and tested recipes, our favorite family dishes, online recipe finds, restaurant reviews, unforgettable meals, sinful desserts, food presentation, filipino cuisine and more. I don't claim to be an expert in cooking or baking but my newly-found enthusiasm to improve my skills in this department is too big to ignore. As they say, "never too late (or too old) to learn a new skill."
Through the years i have kept recipes from old magazines and handwritten food-stained, torn and faded notes of my go-to recipes. Sometimes when I crave for mama's home cooking I make an overseas call so she could give me step-by-step instructions. More often than not, I stumbled upon a great recipe online and when it's time to make it again, I couldn't recall where i found it. Very frustrating!
But no more fretting now because all these will be in my food blog. I'm doing it for my personal easy access and also to share with my family, friends and random readers. If you don't find me here or in facebook, then you know where i am: in my My Bright Yellow Kitchen.
Let's share the food and the love. See you there!