Friday, February 23, 2007


last valentine's day, i started a journey which i hope to finish before end of this year. and this morning, i got great news that somebody's already "touched" my case. it's not much...but at least it's a start. i'm here to celebrate the little success of each day.

the waiting begins...i'm keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed and counting the days. wish i have "patience" as my middle name :-)

Thursday, February 22, 2007


surprise, surprise! Yna had 4 kittens today. my baby is again a that makes me a...lola?! dang!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

valentine chocolates!

got another surprise today...chocolates!

hmmm, let me think about some chocolate quotes while i munch on these belgian sweets...

Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get

Strength is the capacity to break a chocolate bar into four pieces with your bare hands - and then eat just one of the pieces

In the beginning, the Lord created chocolate, and he saw that it was good. Then he separated the light from the dark, and it was better

There are 4 basic food groups: milk chocolate, dark chocolate, white chocolate and chocolate truffles

There's nothing better than a good friend, except a good friend with chocolate

Chocolate is cheaper than therapy and you don't need an appointment

see white hearts in that box? THEY'RE NOW GONE! :-)))

24 reasons why i love you

for the 24 beautiful red roses you sent me today...

1 - the way you comb my hair; if only for that i will forever keep my hair long
2 - i can tell
you everything and anything...and you won't be shocked
3 - you take me in your arms and you bring me to the most beautiful places
4 - how you always find a way to "WOW" me
5 - you always make sure i'm comfortabl
e; you set the AC to 17 knowing that anything less than that will make me chill (even if you're already sweating)
6 - the way we could just spend the whole day watching people and making fun of their conversations
7 - you always laugh at my jokes and my kaartehan
8 - you have a wonderful family i'm happy to be part of; you know how "weird" my family is yet you still chose to join the gang
9 - you worry about my worries and you always find a way to solve them
10 - you have a song for my scars and i love listening to it!
11 - the way you photograph me; you never fail to bring out my "inner smile"
12 - you love travelling and taking pictures as much as i do
13 - you give me a wake-up call whenever i have an early appointment
14 - you send me lots of chocolates for me to share with my friends and the kids
15 - you look like Ninoy Aquino and i'm proud of it!
16 - you are allergic to cats but you gave Yna flea collars and catnip toys
17 - how you always have time for me...even though we are miles apart i still feel like you're right here with me
18 - how you get along well with my friends
19 - when you tell me about your day and ask about mine...even letting me describe in detail how my day went
20 - how you never really care about how i look and what people will say
21 - you enjoy lying on a hammock by the beach as much as i do
22 - how you always make plans and talk about the future
23 - you prepare my bath, making sure water is HOT (the way i want it) and that i have enough bubbles to play with
24 - the way we cuddle and watch sunsets and sunrises together

Happy Valentines' Day ga...

i can still think of many maybe next time you'll give me more roses? hihihi :-)


Monday, February 12, 2007


more than 6,000 couples trooped to the SM Mall of Asia last saturday to be part of the annual Lovapalooza. i don't know the exact figure but i heard it was enough to grab the world record from Hungary for the Most Couples Kissing in One Event.

hmmm, locking lips with your partner in a mall parking lot by the bay amidst a sea of smooching couples for 10 heartstopping seconds at the stroke of midnight? on live national TV? why not?!!

but i wasn't there. i was home working...i had no reason to be there anyway! pero sa atin-atin lang to ha, i was there in 2004, the first ever lovapalooza (hihihi). with whom? secret.....! all i can say is that "a kiss is just a kiss is just a kiss is just a kiss."

advance happy valentine's day everyone!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

my idea of heaven - leigh nash

I never thought I'd get here; I was so far away

I didn't believe in love, thought it was just a game people played
Everything changed when I met you

I touched your hand, you took my heart
And you led me to a better place, just the two of us
In the dark...

This is my idea of heaven, lying here with you
This is my idea of heaven, nothing else, I'd rather do

I never thought you'd get here, why'd you make me wait?
And when I looked into your eyes, I recognised you were my fate
I've been living in a lonely shell, with no windows, to the world
How in God's name did you find, the lonestar's
Loneliest girl...

This is my idea of heaven, lying here with you
This is my idea of heaven, nothing else, I'd rather do

To feel your heart, beating
To feel our lips, meeting

This is my idea of heaven, ooh
In heaven, love is everywhere
There is no pain, there are no tears
In heaven, love lasts forever, it doesn't, disappear...

This is my idea of heaven, lying here with you
This is my idea of heaven, nothing else, I'd rather do

To feel your heart, beating
To feel our lips, meeting

This is my idea of heaven, ooh
This is my idea of heaven, lying here with you

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